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Johnette Napolitanoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Johnette Napolitano Singer Songwriter - 2018年6月29日
Johnette Napolitano (born September 22, 1957, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California) is an American singer, songwriter and bassist best known as the lead vocalist/songwriter and bassist for the group Concrete Blonde. Concrete Blonde were an alternative rock band from Hollywood, California. They were active from 1982 to 1995, from 2001 to 2004, and then reunited in 2010 and split up again in 2012. They were best known for their 1990 album Bloodletting, their top 20 single "Joey", and Johnette Napolitano's distinctive vocal style. ... She composes music for films and works as a gallery artist, specializing in working with discarded and reclaimed materials. She also takes care of rescue horses. Sent her two photos on 29 May and got them back signed on 29 Jun. She signed them Johnette. [youtubeOdpTcvSn8HQ[/youtube Ms Johnette Napolitano PO Box 1053 Joshua Tree, CA 92252

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Johnette Napolitano Success - 2013年10月26日
Sent: Contacted via facebook with request. She provided address. LOR, photos and SASE mailed on 10/6/13 Received: Three photos (one a gift for a friend) personalized, inscribed and signed on 10/26/13 Address mailed: Johnette Napolitano P.O. Box 1053 Joshua Tree, Ca. 92252 -

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