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Johnny Mathisの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Johnny Mathis success - 2017年9月30日
sent: 5/30/17 received: 9/29/17 wait time: 121 days I sent a letter, photo, and SASE to this address: Johnny Mathis c/o Jon Mat Records, Inc. P.O. Box 2066 Burbank, CA 91507 I told Johnny in my letter that I've loved his music since I was child. I even listen to some of his Christmas music every Christmas time. My favorite hits of his are “It’s Not For Me to Say”, “Wonderful, Wonderful”, and “Chances Are”. I saw him on an interview on CBS News Sunday Morning. I also distinctly remember seeing him on an episode of Muppets Tonight on the Disney Channel years ago. He also voice acted in an episode of The Simpsons. He signed and inscribed the picture I sent him so it looks authentic. I hope you like the picture. http://surfmypictures.com/image/bb06246d1496c518/qnh8t.html

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Johnny Mathis (Singer) PP - 2011年5月11日
(5) PP Johnny Mathis (Singer) Mailed: 4/25/11 (2 - 4x6) (10 Day Turnaround) Received: 5/5/11 Returned My 4x6’s Back w/ A Pre-Print Johnny Mathis Fans P. O. Box 2066 Burbank, CA 91507 USA - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/ranbowski:ranbowski at 2011-05-10

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