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Jon Sedaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Mr. Jon Seda actor Success! (Chicago PD) - 2018年12月19日
Mr. Jon Seda played as Detective Falsone in Homicide Life on the Streets and he currently plays as Detective Antonio Dawson in Chicago PD and does crossovers in Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, and Chicago Justice. On 1/09/2018 I mailed letter explaining how I enjoy Mr. Seda's acting at: Mr. Jon Seda “Chicago Fire Season 6” c/o Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 (took about 12 months) On 12/19/2018 I received a nice personalized messages from him. Here is the link:

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Jon Seda Success!!! - 2018年3月31日
Firstly sorry about the long delay in posting this been so busy haven't been able to new shift patterns at work and other stuff going on so my hobby has took a back seat. I received this reply from Actor Jon Seda it came Nearly a year ago now 2nd April 2017 i sent it to Jon Seda "Chicago P.D. - Season 3" Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 USA Pics on are my Facebook page. (showcasing my collection) https://www.facebook.com/LeighsAutograp ... 83/?type=3

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Jon Seda Success - 2018年1月4日
Sent LOR, SASE, and several photos to the Chicago Fire address in Database on 3/18/17, received signed photos and an additional signed photo he provided on 12/19/17. Jon Seda "Chicago Fire - Season 6" Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 USA

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Jon Seda success - 2017年3月8日
Jon Seda success Sent : 03/05/16 Received : 08/03/17 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mr.Jon Seda Jon Seda "Chicago Fire" Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Mr. Jon Seda Chicago PD success! - 2015年12月21日
On 10/7/2015 I sent a letter including a SASE envelope to Mr. Jon Seda “Chicago P.D. – Season 3” c/o Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 (took about 3 months) On 12/21/2015 Received a nice picture of him with a nice message! Here is the link: http://mwinick.blogspot.com/2015/12/mr- ... go-pd.html

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