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Joseph Wambaughの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Joseph Wambaugh Author - 2015年11月2日
Joseph Aloysius Wambaugh, Jr. (born January 22, 1937) is a bestselling American writer known for his fictional and non-fictional accounts of police work in the United States. Several of his first novels were set in Los Angeles, California, and its surroundings, and featured Los Angeles police officers as protagonists. Contacted him through his website (contact us) to see if he would sign a book for me if I mailed it to him and if I could get a mailing address for him (was not sure if the data base one was current). ... he emailed back that he would be glad to send an autographed bookmark back. We had emailed on 28 Oct back and forth, and the bookmark showed up 2 Nov. The address on the envelope that contained the bookmark was Joseph Wambaugh 3520 Kellogg Way San Diego, CA 92106

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joseph wambaugh success - 2012年12月28日
sent: 12.11.12 recd: 12.27.12 used address in db http://www.freewebs.com/nathansautos/ap ... =171872015

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