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Josh Radnorの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Neil Patrick Harris and Josh Radnor success :'D - 2013年12月14日
So, as you know, How I Met Your Mothers season 9 is the last one. As this is one of my all time favourite shows, I decided in July to take a shot and send an autograph request. Ive seen only one full-cast signed photo success and it was someone who sent it through Josh Radnor so I did the same = I sent a picture of Josh and one of a full cast and added like 2-page letter and used the HIMYM studio address. I basically lost hope that anything would come but today I opened my mail and I saw two envelopes from fanmail! I opened the first one and there was NPHs (awesome!) preprint - I hoped that the second one will include full cast photo but it wash Joshs pic, also preprint - Maybe I sent my letter too late to get my photos authentically signed? :neutral:<!-- s:neutral: --> However, I am glad that they took time to send me these ones at least and I was literally shaking when I saw these <img src=

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How I Met Your Mother cast success (Josh Radnor) - 2012年10月28日
I sent a LOR and a SASE to Josh Radnor in august of 2011. The past thursday i received two photos. One its a pre-print of Josh Radnor and the other one its signed for the entire cast of How I met Your Mother. Sent: SASE, LOR, (8/2/2011) Received: 1 pre-print of him and 1 by the entire cast of the show(10/25/2012) Address used: Josh Radnor "How I Met Your Mother" 20th Century Fox Studios 10201 West Pico Boulevard Blgd. 104, 2nd floor Los Angeles, CA 90035 USA photos: - - Enveloped: - I am very happy. <img src=

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