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Joyce Randolphの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Joyce Randolph (Trixie) success - 2012年12月13日
I sent a letter, 2 photos and SASE on Nov 16th and received both photos signed and a signed personal note on Nov 28th. Sigs are authentic. I disposed of mailing envelope before joining this site. The address I used was: JOYCE RANDOLPH 295 CENTRAL PARK WEST SUITE 18-A NEW YORK, NY 10024-3008

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Joyce Randolph Success - 2012年6月29日
Sent Miss Randolph a LOR, CARD, SASE of 6/12/12 and received my signed card back on 6/28/12 and as you can see, she also wrote a small note to me at the top of my LOR. Miss Randolph was one of the stars on the original Honeymooners. I used the address from the fanmail database.

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Joyce Randolph "HONEYMOONERS" SUCCESS!! - 2012年4月8日
[youtubemioZwlvDfgY[/youtube Addresses for Previous Successes: Autographs: 295 Central Park West #18-A New York, NY 10024-3008 USA Success (92 Days) 2012/01/06 2012/04/07 Comment: 4/3 SIgned

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Joyce Randolph (Honeymooners) Success - 2011年12月5日
Sent 3 photos and SASE on 11-22-2011 to address in database and got back three photos signed in my SASE on 12-5-2011 Joyce Randolph 295 Central Park West Suite 18-A New York, NY 10024-3008 USA -

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