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Juan Carlosの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

H.M. King Juan Carlos I and H.M Queen Sofia of Spain success - 2014年12月25日
Sent: 28.06.2014 (LOR) Received: 25.12.2014 Address: Palacio de La Zarzuela Carretera del Pardo s/n 28071 Madrid Spain Pic: Env: Letter: Thanks Your Majesty and Fanmail.biz <img src= [size=150:Authenticity comments are welcomed.[/size:

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singer juan carlos mata summertime success - 2014年4月23日
Im sooo happy with this success from this amazing male singer i think from spain .......and very nice and kind man too because he mailed also his last cd and the photo i mailed to him too signed and inscribed sent an email through his website recieved a signed photo plus a cd im sure you will enjoy a lot [youtubeC8DA3IkQMIs[/youtube

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King Juan Carlos I of Spain success - 2012年2月7日
I sent a lor on 27th december 2011 and today i received a photo (i dont know if its authentic but its great anyways) and a letter: - - Address i used: Juan Carlos I of Spain Palacio de la Zarzuela 28071, Madrid Spain (Please Admin, add this amazing address <img src= )

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