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Juliet Millsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Juliet Mills - 2015年8月14日
Sent to Juliet Mills about 3 months ago to UK address in site. On Monday I got back picture signed and she'd also sent an extra signed picture of her more recently. Came back from USA, with American stamp over mine. Juliet Mills Diamond Management 31 Percy Street London W1T 2DD UK

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Juliet Mills Success - 2015年8月11日
Fantastic result received today from Juliet Mills, took around six weeks to return. Posted approx 30 June 2015 received 11August 2015. Posted to pinned UK address with uk stamp but posted from U.S. http://surfmypictures.com/image/bc976ae ... vn3oa.html

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Juliet Mills Success - 2014年12月22日
Been busy for a while, so now I have time to update some of my recent success! I sent a letter to Juliet Mills (she played "Passions" witch Tabitha Lennox) back on Oct. 4, 2013 and after several months of waiting I finally got a successful reply from her on May 30, 2014. I asked her if her hubby Maxwell could signed it as well, but unfortunately he wasn't available. She did write me a letter in the back as to why he couldn't sign it. But I did get both of my photos back signed. Thanks Juliet.... S: LOR, SASE, 2 (5x7) photos - 10/4/13 R: 2 (5x7) photos, SASE - 5/30/14 Address used: Juliet Mills CESD Talent Agency 10635 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 130/135 Los Angeles, CA 90025-8306 USA

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Juliet Mills wonderful succsess! - 2012年12月27日
Address used CESD Talent Agency 10635 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 130/135 Los Angeles, CA 90025-8306 USA Sent in November, received December 17 She iscribed my photo personally + enclosed 1 from her. Also I asked her to write something about Vivien Leigh, her Godmother <img src= - - - -

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