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Justin Bieberの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 9ページ):

I sent this to the NY address in the database. Came back from Georgia for some reason. I sent them a long time ago. -

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Justin Bieber success (?) - 2012年6月20日
Hi ! Today I got this amazing autograph from JUSTIN BIEBER. Im so very happy, because he is really great singer ! Hes very talented. I like his music <img src= I believe that this autograph is authentic... But its so easy to counterfeit. So everyone comments about authenticy are welcome! Comment please! <img src= Sent : 19 March 2012 (LOR, SAE, 1 photo) Received : 20 June 2012 (autographed photo in my SAE) Used Address : Justin Bieber Island Records 825 Eighth Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Photo : http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/6801 ... ieberp.jpg Envelope : -

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Justin Bieber Success - 2012年6月20日
Sent a LOR, SASE and my CD to him at Justin Bieber Island Records 825 Eighth Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA in Febuary and recived my signed CD back in my SASE!! I screamed so loud when I got it I was so excited ive been to like a million Justin Bieber concerts but havent been lucky enough to meet him but I finally got his autograph <img src= - -

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Justin Bieber Success!!! - 2012年6月20日
Send: Feb 2012, 3 photos, letter, SAE Recieved: 20/06/2012 3 photos signed in my SAE, the pictures are a little damage.. I used the address in the database. Justin Bieber Island Records 825 Eighth Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

Photo 1: <!-- m --><a class=http://autographscollection.webs.com/ap ... =158324907 Photo 2: http://autographscollection.webs.com/ap ... =158324908 Photo 3: http://autographscollection.webs.com/ap ... =158324909

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JUSTIN BIEBER - Success x2 - 2012年6月19日
Sent these out awhile ago, just got them back today. Used address in database but they came back from Atlanta, GA -

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