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Kaitlynの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Kaitlyn (fmr wwe diva) success x5 (Celeste Bonin) - 2018年3月18日
sent her 3 8 by 10s on 12-23-17 & got them back plus 2 more signed on 3-17-18. Here's the addy I used: c/o Celestial Bodiez 432 S Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

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Kaitlyn Dias (Inside-Out) - 2018年2月28日
Kaitlyn Dias (Inside-Out) Mailed: 11/27/17 (2) 4x6 2 Month Turnaround Received: 1/26/18 Returned Unsigned w/ Her Own 8�x5 Post Card Autograph & Didn�t returned Stamp Envelope but made me Pay the Postage <img src= Used address in database https://i.imgur.com/d3k48Msh.jpg

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Kaitlyn Dias Disney's Inside Out Success - 2016年5月16日
Sent a request to Kaitlyn via her website: Kaitlyn is best known as the voice of Riley in Disney's 'Inside Out'. Not sure of the date I sent her a message, but received 2 signed pics on 13/05/16. Link to picture on my site: Link to envelope:

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Kaitlyn Jenkins (Bunheads) Success~! - 2012年8月11日
I messaged Kaitlyn on facebook, and she gave me the link to her management. I emailed a lady, and i asked if i could send 2 dollars to cover postage instead of sase. And she said yes! I sent her around a week or two ago, and she even messaged me on facebook thanking me and telling me it was sweet! Love this success! Pictures coming later. Sent to and recieved from address is below.. MLC PR 7080 Hollywood Blvd Suite 903 Los Angeles CA 90028 If you want pics, let me know!

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Kaitlyn Jenkins (Bunheads) Success!! - 2012年8月11日
Kaitlyn Jenkins plays Boo on the new ABC Family show, Bunheads. I posted on her Facebook page, telling her how much I admire her acting role on the show. I also asked her if she had an address where I could request an autographed photo, and she was so sweet and replied saying if I messaged her, she could send me information. I sent her an e-mail, and she replied with an address to her publicist. Sent: August 2, 2012 (LOR + SASE) Received: August 11, 2012 (Signed Photo) Address used: Kaitlyn Jenkins MLC PR 7080 Hollywood Blvd. suite 903 Los Angeles, CA 90038 Sorry for the bad photo quality

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