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Kamil Stochの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Kamil Stoch (Polish Ski Jumper) SUCCESS - 2014年8月29日
Hi, I got an autograph from double Olympic gold medal winner of Sochi in ski jumping, Kamil Stoch <img src= After that, gold at the World Championships in Val di Fiemme 2013 and the gold Crystal Ball in the season 2013/14. I sent him letter and I waited a three weeks In response, I received signed photo of Kamil Stoch <img src= ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Autograph can also get by writing to the following address: Kamil Stoch ul. Krupówki 20 skrytka pocztowa 236 34-500 Zakopane ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Picture: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ... stoch.html ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my blog: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Kamil Stoch - Polish Ski Jumper - 2013年11月23日
Send: LOR, SASE - 14/08/2013 Received: photo with autograph - 19/11/2013 Address used: Kamil Stoch Klub Sportowy AZS w Zakopanem Aleje 3 Maja 5 Zakopane 34-500 Poland - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Kamil Stoch (Polsish ski jumper and WC 2013) SUCCESS x2 - 2013年5月6日
ABOUT Kamil Stoch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamil_Stoch Sent: on 11 March I sent LOR and SASE to Kamil Stoch Received: 6 May 2013 2 signed photos in my SASE ADDRESS USSED: Kamil Stoch Klub Sportowy AZS Zakopane ul. 3 Maja 5 34-500 Zakopane (POLAND) photos+envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/stoch.jpg/ It is my 3th SUCCESS from the best Polish ski jumpers. I have SUCCESS from: Wojciech Fortuna Adam Ma?ysz and now from Kamil Stoch next will be Piotr Zyla

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