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Karan Brarの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 7ページ):

Karan Brar - Jessie Sucess! - 2012年9月17日
on 9/6/12 I sent an email to Karan Brars website with my address on it asking nicely for an autograph. on 9/8/12 I recived a letter from Karan! http://imageshack.us/a/img407/6481/photokva.jpg

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Karan Brar (Jessie) - 2012年9月12日
Yesterday I received an autograph from Karan Brar. I was really excited because I love the show. Picture: - Envelope: -

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Karan Brar (Ravi Jessie) Success - 2012年9月11日
Sent: 17th August What: An Email to karanbrar.com recieved:11th september what: 2 signed jessiie promo pics of Karan. time took: 27 days return address: Karan Brar PO BOX 11199 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90213 USA i think they are PP but i dont mind as i got 2 different jessie pics from him! pictures: -

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Karan Brar - Disney Channel - success - 2012年9月10日
Today brought in Karan Brar from Disney Channel show Jessie who plays Ravi. I sent an email off of his site http://www.karanbrar.com/contact.html on July 11, 2012 and got this in today. took: 3ish months -

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Karan Brar (Jessie) Success!! - 2012年9月10日
I was so surprised to come home from school today to see a big white envelope in my mailbox from Karan Brar, who plays Ravi on Disney Channels Jessie! I am a big fan of him and his work, so I was so thrilled to have gotten this! <img src= It may be a preprint, but I dont really mind too much, as he was someone who I was really hoping to hear from! <img src= I emailed him on his website http://www.karanbrar.com sometime in mid-August, and received it today- September 10th! The return address on the envelope is: Karan Brar P.O. Box 11199 Beverly Hills, California 90213 USA Below are the photos of the autograph and envelope: Signed photo: - Envelope: - Thank You Karan! <img src= <img src=

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