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Karen Allenの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 10ページ):

Karen Allen success - 2013年11月13日
Sent a LOR, photo (Raiders of the Lost Ark) and SASE on 10/28/2013 Received photo signed and personalized on 11/12/2013 She even has downloadable images on her website if you need a photo: http://www.karenallen-fiberarts.com/fanmail.php Address used (from database): Karen Allen Karen Allen Fiber Arts 8 Railroad Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Karen Allen SUCCESS! - 2013年11月2日
Sent letter SASE and photo on 10/11 received today! Address: Mrs. Karen Allen c/o Karen Allen Fiber Arts 8 Railroad Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 -

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Karen Allen - SUCCESS! - 2013年5月29日
Almost gave up on this one and now Im so excited for the response! Sent on 1/14/13: art print, LOR, SASE to: Karen Allen Karen Allen Fiber Arts 8 Railroad Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 Received on 5/25/13: signed print in SASE - Thanks fanmail.biz!! <img src=

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Karen Allen! :) - 2013年5月23日
Wow I am SO SHOCKED- today I got a response from in the mail from Karen Allen its kind of funny because Karen appeared at Chiller Theatre, NJ Convention Spring 2013 and I went with my best friend and got a chance to meet her in person!! SHE IS SUPER SUPER kind,warm and sweet <img src= was such a cool cherished memory I didnt mind one single bit paying the $40 fee for a photo and signed pic- I almost completely FORGOT that I had sent out a fan letter request, photo & SASE alittle over 2 months earlier- and like magic I recieved this in the mail today 5/23/2013 so I now have TWO autographs I will cherish always- Karen is an AMAZING Lady <img src= here is the address I used from the database: Karen Allen Karen Allen Fiber Arts 8 Railroad Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 USA Here is my TTM Signed photo: - and my Envelope: -

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Karen Allen TTM Success - 2013年2月5日
Karen Allen Request Sent: 11/01/12 Received: 12/28/12 Total Time: 57 Address Used Karen Allen Karen Allen Fiber Arts 8 Railroad Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 - -

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