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Kate Beckinsaleの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 9ページ):

Kate Beckinsale - Success - 2013年3月13日
Kate Beckinsale Mailed: 8/16/12 (2) 5x7 & $2 3½ Month Turnaround Received: 12/4/12 Only One of the Two Autographed in the dreaded silver Used address in the database.

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Kate Beckinsale Success!! =] - 2012年12月9日
Sent this one out awhile ago and didn't think I would get it back since the address isn't valid any more. She is one of my most wanted and I am super happy bout it. Sent a LOR, SAE, photo, and some $$$ for postage Used the UK address that is no longer valid. Kate Beckinsale Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK Photo: Envelope:

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Kate Beckinsale success - 2012年12月6日
Did not expect this one to come back at all since the address was no longer valid but on Aug 21, 2012, I had sent a photo, a self addressed envelope and cash to: ****Address No Longer Valid**** Kate Beckinsale Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK ****Address No Longer Valid**** Today (Dec 6, 2012) I received my photo signed! This is awesome! I have tried 6 times to get her to sign something I send her, but mostly got the pre-signed photos and one RTS. Envelope: - Photo (8x10): - <img src=

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Kate Beckinsale ( Success ) - 2012年11月23日
Sent - 10/9/12 sent picture letter and SASE Received - 22/11/12 my picture signed used my SASE Address i used was the UK one in the database evan though i heard it was an RTS Picture - - Sorry no envelope

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Kate Beckinsale Success - 2012年11月16日
So I think I sent this around July 2012 and got it back beginning of September2012 Overall I am really happy about this success...its a tad smudge from the silver pen used but overall nice SENT: 1 photo, letter and SASE RECEIVED: my photo -

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