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Kate Winsletの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 7ページ):

Kate Winslet Semi-Success - 2012年7月24日
First semi-success! <img src= Got a PP Longines postcard of Kate Winslet It Took about a month and a half to get it in the mail Just send an email request to: http://www.longines.com/contact/contact-form Picture: -

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Kate Winslet PP Success - 2012年5月13日
I sent LOR, SAE and mini-poster. Received my mini-poster unsigned and PP photo in my SAE. Sent: 13 December 2011 Received: 12 May 2012 Address used: Kate Winslet United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK - -

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Kate Winslet success - 2012年5月11日
I received a PP of Kate Winslet! I just sent an email to Longines site http://www.longines.com/contact/contact-form Received: March 27th 2012 -

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Kate Winslet PP Success. - 2012年5月10日
Hey, Today I received a PP of Kate Winslet, few months back i sent an email via Longines http://www.longines.com/contact/contact-form I was hoping to get her autograph but at least i got something! <img src= Pic - - Envelope - -

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Kate Winslet - 2012年5月6日
Yesterday, after 10 months I got replay from Kate Winslet. She sent her own photo and my photo back unsigned. Do you think is this autograph authentic? I used address: c/o United Agents 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F 0LE United Kingdom http://www.freewebs.com/werka91/apps/ph ... =155133371 -

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