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Katee Sackhoffの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Katee Sackhoff Success (BSG) - 2015年3月28日
Via her store on you can buy a photo that she will sign and personalize. The money goes towards charity. A non-personalized 8x10 is $15 and a personalized one is $20. Purchased: March 2, 2015 Received: March 27, 2015 Return address is: [color=#FF0000Admin please update address as charity has moved location also add note that requests require a donation.[/color Katee Sackhoff Fly Free Charity 735 SW 158th Avenue Suite 170 Beaverton, OR 97006 USA Picture: I asked her if she could write the "So say we all" phrase from the show. Seems she'll write about anything you want on it! Her W looks like a U... but if you look close it is a W

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Katee Sackhoff - 2014年7月28日
Purchased a photo from her webpage for $5 - http://www.kateesackhoff.com/ SENT: 6/22/14 RCVD: 7/18/14 PHOTO:

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Katee Sackhoff success - 2012年7月14日
Sent: 16 Mar 2012 - letter, 5x7, 5.25x7.25 SASE, all in 5.5x8.5 envelope Received: 12 Jul 2012 - signed and personalized 5x7 that was sent Address Used: Katee Sackhoff Meschures Campeas Thompson 8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA [Do not use address from database. See below! I was super excited when I checked the mail today... - (Note: It was mailed from OR, not CA - so Im assuming it was forwarded.) - Then I got even more excited when I noticed a note! Could it be?! And then I read it... - So then my happiness was mixed with a bit of guilt. I didnt know. I still feel honored and happy though. And yes, Ill donate. But the point is, if you want to shoot for Katee, go to ###://kateesackhoff.com:her site and get one that route, for charity.

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Katee Sackhoff Success x - 2011年8月30日
I wrote to Katee with a letter and magazine picture, about 2 months later I got it back signed. She even provided the envelope and postage x I used this address: Katee Sackhoff Meschures Campeas Thompson 8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Its on the return label too. -

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