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Katherine MacGregorの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Katherine MacGregor Success - 2015年9月14日
Sent a fan letter, and SASE (no photo) to Katherine MacGregor, aka the legendary Mrs. Oleson from Little House on the Prairie, on 10/25/14, using the address in the database (the Motion Picture Television Fund address). Got this nice photo and response to my letter back on 9/11/15. Very nice response. http://surfmypictures.com/image/2a77d4d ... 73wsk.html

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Katherine MacGregor - Little House On The Prairie - Success - 2014年3月6日
On 2 3 14 I sent a SASE, a LOR, and a cutom index card to Ms. MacGregor, and on 2 25 14 I got it back signed and personalized. Ms. MacGregor was also kind enough to write a brief message on the back of my index card, as well as respond to things that I had written in my letter. Super nice woman! Used her private address in Woodland Hills, Ca.

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Katherine MacGregor Adress Rejected Please Help ME !!!!!! - 2013年12月5日
Used the address here in the database to contact Katerine MacGregor, but envelope came back rejected and no forward available. Address used: Katherine MacGregor 1900 North Vine Street Suite 306 Los Angeles 90068 USA Do you know the new address? Please !

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Katherine MacGregor Success! - 2012年1月10日
Hi! Received a signed photo from Katherine MacGregor (in August 2010) - I sent a letter and an IRC in May 2010 and I am realy pleased with the reply! Seems like she had trouble understanding my UK address! <img src= Address: Katherine MacGregor 1900 North Vine Street Suite 306 Los Angeles, CA 90068 USA Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19 ... photo.jpg/ Note: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/83 ... rnote.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/81 ... envel.jpg/ Thanks! <img src=

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Katherine MacGregor Success! - 2012年1月4日
Sent LOR, SASE, & 2 photos (Big Thanks to Ryan J for sharing his photo files!) Sent: 12/12/11 Rec: 1/3/12 to : Katherine MacGregor 1900 North Vine Street Suite 306 Los Angeles 90068 USA - - - I was happy to get a reply! <img src= Thanks

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