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Kathryn C. Thorntonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Kathryn C. Thornton NASA Astronaut success - 2015年6月22日
Sent SASE, letter, 8x10 photo to her home address on 6/1/2015. Got it back today signed.

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Kathryn C. Thornton Shuttle Astronaut - 2015年5月31日
Kathryn Ryan Cordell Thornton (Ph.D.) (born August 17, 1952 in Montgomery, Alabama) is an American scientist and a former NASA astronaut with over 975 hours in space, including 21 hours of extravehicular activity (space walks). She was the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science, currently a professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She was also the Academic Dean for the Fall 2013 Semester at Sea. Sent her 2 photos on 30 Apr and got both back signed on 30 May Dr. Kathryn Thornton Address Removed

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Kathryn C. Thornton - STS-61 Hubble Rescue - NASA Success. - 2013年9月3日
Sent 2/14/13, LOR, SASE, Three 4X6" photographs. Received on 8/27/13, All three photos signed. Address Used: Kathryn Thornton c/o UVa School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Thornton Hall P.O. Box 400259 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4259

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