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Kathy Najimyの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Kathy Najimy success - 2011年10月27日
After having a drought of not getting any TTMs for several weeks this is my fourth return in 5 days! On 10-4-11 i sent Kathy Najimy a LOR and SASE and today (10-27-11) i received in my SASE a color ISP. The address i used was 200 Park ave. south 8th floor New York, N. Y. 10003 No scanner

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Kathy Najimy Success - 2011年10月2日
Sent Kathy Najimy, hilarious actress from [iSister Act[/i and [iHocus Pocus[/i, LOR and SASE on 9/2/2011 to the address on her official website (it is posted on the right-hand side of the home page) and received an amazing 8x10 photo, dedicated to me with a very nice inscription on 9/12/2011 (ONLY 10 DAYS! ). She seems like a great lady and I am glad that I finally have her in my collection! Picture: ***Please like my Facebook page...All of my autos are posted there! ***

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Kathy Najimy SUCCESS!! - 2011年8月31日
Love me some Kathy Najimy! On July 19, 2011 I sent LOR and SASE to Kathy. Today, Aug 31, 2011, I received this gorgeous, personalized, color photo. She also returned my letter and signed "Bless you! Kathy Najimy" on the bottom of that as well. Due to some personal content, I wont post the letter. I DID NOT use the database address. I got the address from the FAQ section of Kathys website: Kathy Najimy 200 Park Ave S 8th Floor New York NY 10003 Heres the picture: -

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