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Katie Leungの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Katie Leung success - 2019年12月30日
Katie Leung success I sent two 10x15 photos, a letter and an envelope with my address. I received my two autographed photos, and one photo bonus. Sent - 07/05/2019 Received - 29/07/2019 Address used: The address is no longer valid. http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/6xxk6.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/h5fq8.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/zybqk.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/a21pq.html

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Katie Leung RTS - 2018年1月4日
Sent a letter with an SASE and a picture to Katie in August 2017. Received an RTS sometime in november 2017 Address used: Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4SP UK

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Katie Leung - autograph (Harry Potter) - 2017年7月21日
I sent the letter to VV address on September 2013 and I was waiting over 3 years for the answer! I received my photo signed and personalised. Unfortunately the autograph is very blurred, most of it is on the envelope. Sent : September 20, 2013 Received : January 3, 2017 PHOTOS: http://www.alexsubiektywnie.pl/2017/07/autograf-katie-leung.html

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Katie Leung (Harry Potter) Success! - 2017年4月20日
Hello, At the start of this year I wrote to Katie Leung, who played Cho Chang in the Harry Potter films. I sent a LOR, 2 photos and a SASE to the database address and after a few months, I recieved both of my photos back in my SASE, personally signed <img src= so happy with these, thank you, Katie! Sent: January 2017 Received: 20/4/17 Address Used: Katie Leung Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London, SW1Y 4SP http://surfmypictures.com/image/a366068c659caaa4/os75b.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/a366068c659caaa4/os75b/MIdOkA0U.jpg-large.jpeg http://surfmypictures.com/image/a366068c659caaa4/c5e75.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/a366068c659caaa4/c5e75/5mjAQ1mq.jpg-large.jpeg Thank you!

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Katie Leung Success! - 2017年2月8日
I sent Katie Leung a LOR, SASE and 6x4 photograph on the 28th of June 2016 to the address on the database (Curtis Brown Group Ltd., Haymarket House, 5th Floor, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP). Just under 6 months later, I received my photo signed and personalised on the 19th of December 2016. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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