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Kaye Ballardの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Kaye Ballard - Success after death - 2019年2月3日
I sent a photo to Kaye Ballard on 12/17/2017 at the Rancho Mirage address and got it back today even though she died just over a week ago. Apparently, she had signed my photo before she passed. Fanmail biz database still looks like she is alive. She died January 21 2019.

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Kaye Ballard success - 2017年2月3日
I sent a LOR and a SASE to the address in the database on 28/12/16, and today I received a signed and personalised photo! Kaye Ballard Kaye Ballard Audio P.O. Box 922 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/329f63d ... 8ruj7.html Thanks Ms. Ballard and fanmail <img src= <img src=

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Kaye Ballard - 2015年12月17日
Sent to Kaye Ballard in July, and yesterday I got my picture back signed [love her signature! and she sent another picture of her taken recently with her dogs. used address on this site Kaye Ballard Kaye Ballard Audio P.O. Box 922 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 USA

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Kaye Ballard - Success - 2014年9月28日
On Sept. 8, 2014 I sent Ms. Kaye Ballard an LOR, an SASE and the DVD episode guide for her TV series "The Mothers-in-Law" to the address in the database. And today I received the episode guide back from Ms. Ballard autographed and personalized (she first wrote my name in pen and then inscribed everything else in sharpie), she also wrote "great person!!" next to her co-star, Ms. Eve Arden.

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Kaye Ballard - 2014年7月25日
[Sent lor, 4x6 photo, sase to Ms Ballard on 7/12 and received today 7/25. Personalized. Kaye Ballard PO Box 922 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Unable to scan

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