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Kelly Kellyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Kelly Kelly (AKA Barbie Blank)...RTS - 2017年8月31日
Sent a photo, letter, SASE on August 02/17... Kelly Kelly (AKA Barbie Blank) 27927 Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu, CA 90265-4326 USA It was returned August 28/17 as "undeliverable at this address" Does anyone have a current successful address? Thanks

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Kelly Kelly RTS - 2013年9月10日
Sent on 6/10/2013 Came back today RTS. Sent to 1157 Ovington Rd.S. Jacksonville Fl

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Kelly Kelly (Barbie Blank) Success - 2012年8月10日
Sent the pic & SASE. Address: Removed Sent - 7/11/12 Returned - 8/3/12 -

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Kelly Kelly success!!! - 2012年8月3日
Sent: 6/22/12 LOR, SASE & photo Recived: 8/3/12 my personalized & autographed photo in my SASE I used her home address, Im not sure if I should be giving it out, since I dont want her to get spammed and stop signing for fans, however on her official website she has this address as autograph requests (Although I wouldnt recommend sending valuable items or anything at all here) Kelly Kelly C/O World Wrestling Entertainment 1241 East Main Street Stamford, CT 06902 Picture: -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Jenna Fischer - Rts
Nfl Devon Witherspoon Fail / Rts (Seattle Seahawks)
Michael Palin Success!!!
Roger Penske Successfully
Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success
Tommy Chong Actor Success



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