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Ken Boneの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ken Bone success - 2017年7月15日
Sent: 7.5.17 Received: 7.13.17 Address: Ken Bone 2633 Cheyenne Wells Drive Belleville, IL 62221 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Ken Bone - Presidential Debate Questioner - Success!! - 2016年11月11日
Sometimes I like to get autographs from pretty obscure folks! Ken Bone is a power plant operator from Illinois who, during the second US Presidential debate asked a question to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about their stances on energy policy. He immediately went viral thanks largely to his name, appearance, red sweater, disposable camera, and earnest genuine attitude. In the days following the debate, he appeared on a number of US talk shows, was portrayed by Bobby Moynihan on Saturday Night Live, and became the face of undecided voters in America. He signed the photos I sent him and returned them in my SASE in 23 days. I actually got lucky in getting this back as it turns out I'd sent it to the wrong address. Ken personally messaged me on Twitter explaining it had gone to the wrong place but was able to be forwarded to him. As I had the wrong address to begin with, and there was no return on the envelope, I am unfortunately unable to provide an address. Photos on my blog -> http://markdautographs.blogspot.ca/2016 ... ebate.html

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