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Ken Schromの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

MLB Ken Schrom Success - 2021年5月15日
Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Kenneth Schrom 105 Signature Ct. Weatherford, TX 76087-4078 Sent: 3/23/21 Received: 5/15/21 http://surfmypictures.com/image/2498252be7e69fa4/y2kym.html

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Ken Schrom Former MLB Success - 2021年4月18日
Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 4 cards (2x '88 Topps & 2x MN Twins AC). All 4 cards returned signed in blue ink (38 days). Sent: 03/10/21 Received: 04/17/21 Ken Schrom 105 Signature Ct Weatherford, TX 76087-4078 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a4aa368b13613a4d/uq4f1.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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MLB Ken Schrom SUCCESS! 1/11/21 - 2021年1月11日
Sent LOR, SASE, 88 Donruss, 84, 87, & 88 Topps cards on 12/31/20 to: Ken Schrom 105 Signature Ct. Weatherford, TX 76087-4078. Got response 1/11/21 (11 days), all 4 cards returned, signed in blue marker. He also wrote "86 All Star" on the 88 Topps card.

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Ken Schrom MLB Success - 2019年9月17日
Sent LOR, SASE, TC to Ken Schrom on 8/14/19. Got it back signed today. Ken Schrom 1002 Black Diamond Ct Portland, TX 78374 http://surfmypictures.com/image/91463f007ad046d6/9pjnu.html

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Ken Schrom MLB Success - 2019年3月12日
Sent LOR, SASE, TC to Ken Schrom on 1/31/19. Got it back signed today. Ken Schrom 1002 Black Diamond Ct Portland, TX 78374 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a51d0f1657d8b01f/ywmy2.html

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