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Kenny Vance- Singer Songwriter (The Planotones) - 2020年9月12日
Kenny Vance is a singer, a film score composer, an actor, a songwriter, a record producer and a music supervisor. was an original founding member of Jay and the Americans The Planotones P.O.Box 740424 Boynton Beach, FL.33474 Sent: 9-1-20 Recd 9-12-20 Comment: Recd small signed inscribed b/w photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/5hp19.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/jbx4w.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/xaxhz.html

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Kenny Vance Singer - 2020年8月31日
Kenny Vance (born December 9, 1943 in Brooklyn as Kenneth Rosenberg) is an American singer, songwriter, and music producer who was an original founding member of Jay and the Americans. His career spans from the 1950s to today, with projects ranging from starting doo-wop groups to music supervising to creating solo albums. Jay and the Americans released fifteen albums, and their first hit was "She Cried," which was released in 1962. The group was the opening act for not only The Beatles' first US performance, but also for The Rolling Stones' first US performance. They also appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. They had many other hit singles in the 60s, and started their own publishing and production company, JATA Enterprises. Their last release was in 1971 and the group broke up in 1973. In 1992, Vance started a doo wop group, the re-formed (no longer fictional) Kenny Vance and The Planotones from American Hot Wax. Sent him 2 photos on 12 Aug and got them back signed on 31 Aug. He is the middle one in the back [youtubee3LVGBB94eY[/youtube He is sitting at the top of the steps [youtube_gZl6SZywmI[/youtube He is the tallest of the trio standing together [youtubeB1cvWTBK9zI[/youtube Mr Kenny Vance c/o The Planotones PO Box 740424 Boynton Beach, FL 33474

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