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Kent Hrbekの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Kent Hrbek (success!!) - 2013年1月31日
(1/24/2013)Sent my baseball card to Kent Hrbek with the address in the database with SASE, and LOR. Received it back today signed with the envelope post marked from Minneapolis, MN. Totally awesome, as a twins fan i am very happy for this autograph. Thanks Fanmail.biz and Kent Hrbek! could not upload to site but i did upload to flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/45400476 at N06/ -

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Kent Hrbek success! - 2012年12月8日
On 11/23/12, I sent a letter, two cards, $10, and SASE to the former Twins great at Kent Hrbek 2611 W 112th St Bloomington, MN 55431-3965 On 12/8/12, I received both cards back signed in blue sharpie! Sorry, no scan.

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Kent Hrbek (Success) - 2012年2月12日
Kent Hrbek (Success) Dates: (Sent 1/29/12 received 2/10/12) Sent LOR, SASE, ’85 Donruss All-Star card $5 Donation 2611 W 112th St Bloomington, MN 55431-3965 -

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Kent Hrbek(Success) - 2012年1月7日
Kent Hrbek(Success) Dates: (Sent 12/28/11 received 01/05/12) Sent LOR, SASE,’83 & ‘84 Donruss All-Star card and $10 2611 W 112th St Bloomington, MN 55431-3965 My research showed that $5 a card donation was required. He is an ALS supporter. That maybe where the money goes to support.

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Kent Hrbek Success - 2012年1月4日
On 12-19-2011, I mailed Minnesota Twins Legend Kent Hrbek a LOR, SASE, and 1985 Topps Baseball Card to the address in the database. I also included a $5 donation check made to "ALS Association". On 1-3-2012, I received my signed baseball card signed in blue sharpie.

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