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Ketty Lesterの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ketty Lester Success! - 2023年3月17日
Success! I even got the Comey part wrong and wrote Corney. Anyway, received my autographs (she signed her book for my dad) but her address has changed. It is now: Miss Ketty Lester 2908 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008

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Ketty Lester success! - 2016年2月25日
Sent Ketty Lester fan letter, SASE, and two photos on 01/28/2016. Got both photos back personalized and signed to my dad and I on 02/25/2016. She also included a short letter stating who she supports for president (won't post who for her privacy). Used address in database. Ketty Lester 5931 Comey Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034-2213 USA

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Ketty Lester - 2015年6月4日
Sent to Ketty Lester about a month ago to address on this site: 5931 Comey Avenue. Rec photo signed today.

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Ketty Lester Succes (Little House on the Praire) - 2013年6月18日
Sent on 06/05/2013: LOR, SAE and 2 photos (1 for me and 1 for my mother) To: Ketty Lester 5931 Comey Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034-2213 USA Recieved on 06/18/2013 (Today): our photos signed in my SAE. Photo: - Both very happy with this succes <3

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Ketty Lester(Hester Sue-Little House on the Prairie)Success! - 2012年8月7日
Sent: July 25, 2012 Received: Today Address Used: 5931 Comey Ave Los Angeles, CA 90034 USA So happy with this! Im trying to build my Little House on the Prairie collection. -

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