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Kevin Baconの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 9ページ):

Kevin Bacon Success - 2013年11月28日
I sent LOR, two photos and SASE. Received my photos signed in my SASE. Sent: 09 April 2013 Received: 02 October 2013 Address used: Kevin Bacon "The Following - Season 2" (Until Mar 04 2014) Steiner Studios 15 Washington Avenue #3550 Brooklyn Navy Yard, NY 11205 USA - - -

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Kevin Bacon success - 2013年9月24日
mailed photo 12-8-08 received signed 7-3-13 (1671 days!) used: Kevin Bacon Outdated -

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Kevin Bacon Success - 2013年9月16日
On Aug. 27th, I sent Kevin Bacon a SASE, LOR, and small photo. Today, I received my photo back signed in my SASE. - Address used: Kevin Bacon "The Following - Season 2" Steiner Studios 15 Washington Avenue, #3550 Brooklyn Navy Yard, NY 11205 Address is still valid.

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Kevin Bacon success - 2013年7月21日
I sent a letter,SASE, DVD cover and small pic back in January and recieved both of them back last week. Used the address in database. -

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Kevin Bacon Success!! - 2013年3月19日
Sent: LOR, 2 photos, IRC, SAE; february 2013 Recived: my photos signed and IRC; 19 march 2013 Adress used: The Following (I love this serie)!! Thank You fm and Mr. Bacon. - -

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