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Kevin Butlerの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Kevin Butler success - 2013年5月22日
Sent 1 card, LOR,and SAE to Kevin Butler on 5-16-13. received my card back today ,5-22-13, signed. Thank you Mr. Butler. sorry no scanner yet. used this address, Kevin Butler 3256 Bagley psge Duluth, GA 30097-3788

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Kevin Butler (85 Bears) Success - 2013年3月10日
Received two cards signed that I sent Kevin Butler, kicker from the 85 Bears. Sent on 2/25/13 and received back 3/9/13. Sent to: Kevin Butler 3256 Bagley Psge Duluth, GA 30097-3788 -

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Kevin Butler Success - 2012年2月12日
Sent: Lor Sase Card Received my 2 cards signed in my sase Took about 3 weeks Address used Kevin Butler 3256 Bagley Psge Duluth, GA 30097-3788 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

Great Success  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= Picture: -

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Kevin Butler Success - 2011年7月21日
Sent Mr Butler 3 cards, LOR, and SASE on 7-11-11 and got them back signed yesterday (A+). Sent to: 3256 Bagley Passage Duluth, GA 30097-3788 If anyone is interested in setting up an account on stamps.com let me know and I can send you an e-mail for a 30 day free trial. You get a free 5lb postal scale, $5.00 worth of free postage, print directly to envelopes, automatically stores all your addresses and send all you want and never have to go to the post office again. After the 30 day trial if you decide to keep it, its about $15.98 a month if I remember correctly. I wouldnt trade any thing for mine its great!! - - - -

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