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Kevin Whatelyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Kevin Whately sort of success - 2015年8月18日
I sent LOR, one photo I took of Kevin during recent filming of 'Lewis' in Oxford and a SAE to address in database about a week or so ago. Received back today, one pre-signed photo and a piece of paper which states that Kevin Whately is "not able to dedicate or sign individual items".

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Kevin Whately "Inspector Lewis" - tripple SUCCESS! - 2012年10月30日
Sent: July 25th, 2012 Got: October 30th, 2012 used the address here on fanmail.biz Kevin Whately Caroline Dawson Associates 2nd Floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7 4TE UK you can see the autograph on http://www.facebook.com/StefansAutographs please "like" my page if you like it <img src= <img src= - -

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Kevin Whately - Inspector Lewis - quick success - 2012年10月2日
On 9/21/12, sent LOR, SAE, and 3 IRCs to: Kevin Whately c/o Caroline Dawson Associates 125 Gloucester Road London, SW7 4TE United Kingdom Today, received 4x6 color photo: -

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Kevin Whately (Morse/Lewis) Success!!!! - 2012年8月4日
Sent LOR and SAE on 24th July 2012 and received signed photo (undedicated) back on 1st August 2012 Used address in database Kevin Whately Caroline Dawson Associates 2nd Floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7 4TE UK -

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Kevin Whately success! - 2012年7月21日
Sent: 18th June 2012 Recd: 20th June 2012 I sent a LOR & SAE to: Caroline Dawson Associates 2nd Floor 125 Gloucester Road London SW7 4TE and received a signed photo and compliment slip (see links below) http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C15879.jpg http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C15880.jpg

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