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Kim Cattrallの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Kim Cattrall (Sex & the City) SUCCESS - 2015年11月29日
sent LOR, SASE and photo to address in database in May. 205 days later received personalized photo back.

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Kim Cattrall success - 2015年6月16日
sent: lor,sase 1 photo 12/05/2015 received: my photo back sign 15/06/2015 used via venue address in the database Kim Cattrall "Sensitive Skin - Season 2" (Until Jun 30 2015) Revival 629 Studios 629 Eastern Avenue Bldg A, #202 Toronto, ON M4M 1E4 Canada photo and envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/5fc845c ... grtlt.html is it real?

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Kim Cattrall success!! - 2011年12月7日
One of my projects is to get as many H.B.O stars as i can to sign this nice H.B.O. pic that i have. I first sent it to Frank Santorelli (Georgie the bartender )on The Sopranos. On 11-30-11 i sent a LOR, SASE, the pic, and a silver sharpie to Kim Cattrall via the Private Lies address in the database. Today (12-7-11) I received in my SASE the pic signed and inscribed. Only a week! No scanner. Next up is Robert Klein unless somebody can suggest some good H.B.O. people who sign TTM.

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Kim Cattrall success - 2010年4月26日
sent last week monday and recieved today very please Kim Cattrall Private Lives c/o Vaudeville Theatre 404 Strand London, WC2R 0NH please take a look at my website thanks terry

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