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Kinky Friedmanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Singer, Songwriter, Author Kinky Friedman success - 2016年10月16日
American Texas Country singer, songwriter, novelist, humorist, politician and former columnist for Texas Monthly who styles himself in the mold of popular American satirists Will Rogers and Mark Twain. He was one of two independent candidates in the 2006 election for the office of Governor of Texas. Receiving 12.6% of the vote, Friedman placed fourth in the six-person race. mailed photo 8-23-16 received signed 9-1-16 used: private resident address Medina, TX Note: per admin and other people who have complained here I won't post private address for privacy reasons.

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Kinky Friedman Success - 2016年6月29日
Sent: LOR, book and SASE on 5/19/16 Received: Book personalized, inscribed and signed on 6/29/16 Address used: Kinky Friedman PO Box 92153 Austin, TX 78709

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Kinky Friedman RTS - 2016年5月19日
Sent: LOR, book and SASE on 4/13/16 Received: Original package marked RTS on 5/19/2016 Address used: Kinky Friedman P.O. Box 92153 Austin, TX 78709 USPS tracking indicates it was "undeliverable as addressed", and "moved". There was an attempt to forward the envelope, but that also came back an "undeliverable as addressed".

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