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Kirk Douglasの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 10ページ):

Kirk Douglas super fast amazing Success! - 2014年1月16日
After debating for many months on whether or not I should send, I decided to go ahead and give it a shot and it paid off nicely! I bought a book of his on amazon for about $10 and sent it priority mail and less than 2 weeks later it was sent back signed and personalized! He is a Hollywood legend and it is amazing that he still signs for his fans. So grateful that he takes time for his fans even at almost 100 years old! This was one of the most priciest TTMs Ive done but it was worth it! I put return postage on the envelope but turns out I didnt need to as they put their own postage on it. Sent: Letter, SASE, 1 paperback book, 2 8x10 photos (photos returned unsigned with a note saying he doesnt sign anymore but obviously he does since he signed his book). Sent on 09/04/13, received around 09/15/13 Used address in database: Kirk Douglas Renaissance Literary & Talent P.O. Box 17379 Beverly Hills, CA 90209 USA - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Kirk Douglas Extremely Disappointing Failure - 2013年8月28日
Please delete this topic, thanks!

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Kirk Douglas failure - 2013年7月27日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE with US stamp on to Kirk on: 8th July 2013, and today I recieved my photo back unsigned, with note saying after years of never refusing autographs, he gets too many. <img src= address I used was: Kirk Douglas Removed Here are the pics: - -

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Kirk Douglas AWESOME SUCCESS! - 2013年7月2日
I sent him 5$, LOR and book My Stroke of Luck on 16/04/2013. Received: 02/07/2013 5$, the book back signed and personalized. Address used in database. Mr Douglas is awesome actor and one of my favourite <img src= Book: - Envelope: -

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Kirk Douglas Failure - 2013年2月22日
Sent: SAE, LOR, photo on 2/13/13 Received 2/21/13: photo back + photocopied letter apologizing that he can no longer sign. - Curses! Really disappointing as the last reported success was only a couple weeks before I sent it. Looks like I just missed out. Too bad too, I have been on a streak watching all of his old films lately, and there are so many great ones... <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" />

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