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Kirsten Vangsnessの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Kirsten Vangsness Success!!! - 2015年6月24日
Hi everyone ! <img src= Today, I received 3 signed and personalized photos of Kirsten Vangsness ! I am a very very big fan of Criminal Minds so I am really more than happy to have received this answer ! <img src= Adress used : Kirsten Vangsness 137 North Larchmont Avenue, #234 Los Angeles, CA 90004-3704 Sent: 24/11/2014 Received: 24/06/2015 Photo+Envelope :

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Kirsten Vangsness Amazing success - 2015年6月22日
sent a letter to Kirsten 1/16/15 at : Kirsten Vangsness 137 North Larchmont Avenue #234 Los Angeles CA 90004-3704 received 6/22/15; photos: http://surfmypictures.com/image/2922f83 ... 27vxp.html

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Kirsten Vangsness (of Criminal Minds) Success - 2014年6月15日
Sent 1 LOR and SASE back in October 2013 to an address issued by CBS's public relations department via email. On 12/06/2014, I received three different signed photos, which included one of her as Garcia in Criminal Minds. She also enclosed a promo leaflet promoting some stage production she was in. I will post information of the address I used as soon as possible. Sorry no scanner.

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