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Ksenia Soloの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ksenia Solo successes x2 PERSONALIZED!! - 2012年11月16日
Sent a letter and 2 photos to her management in BC this year (don't remember the exact dates but it was around 3 to 3 1/2 month turn-around) Ksenia Solo Kirk Talent Agencies, Inc. 70 East 2nd. Ave Suite 301 Vancouver, BC V5T 1B1 Canada

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Ksenia Solo Success! - 2012年6月13日
I received back Ksenia Solo from the TV show "Lost Girl". Quick turnaround too! -

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Ksenia Solo success!!!! - 2011年8月29日
Im so happy with this because I really love her and I didnt think she actually would have answered to me! Anyway she sent me back an autograph and a LETTER hand written! http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqoux ... o1_500.jpg http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqov0 ... o1_500.jpg THIS IS THE ENVELOPE: - Sent: July 29 2011 Received: August 29 2011

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Ksenia Solo (Lost Girl) Long awaited success ...!!! - 2011年5月24日
Yess,I love Ksenia she is a really great actress and very beautiful...I had to wait months for "Lost Girl" season 2 to start filming and i sent off right away 3 weeks ago and today i got all 3 of my pics back signed and with awesome inscriptions from ksenia <img src= <img src= I sent a letter,sase and these 3 pics and she is so nice... <img src= I sent to the Lost Girl address listed on here !!! - - - Ksenia Solo "Lost Girl - Season 2" (Until Sep 21 2011) CanWest Global 124 The East Mall Toronto, ON M8Z 5V5 Canada

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