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Laine Hardyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Laine Hardy Success - 2019年9月17日
Sent a letter and my own picture to the address on the envelope and it was sent back signed! Only took two weeks! http://surfmypictures.com/image/b1542d41778e3a36/9cb5d.html

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Laine Hardy Success (American Idol) - 2019年5月14日
Not sure if this should be considered a VV success or a regular success but thought it’d fit more under VV. So since the show got rebooted, I wasn't sure that the address was still good, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. Low and behold, the address still works!! I know there have been a couple posts on this site that were uncertain about wether the address was still active and I can confirm that it is. What surprises me the most about this whole success is the turnaround! I got my picture back in a week. I'm still in shock. He's my favorite this season!! Sent: May 6th Received: May 13th Link: Address used: C/o American Idol 7800 Beverly Blvd. Suite 251 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Sorry admin, no picture of envelope. Just has my address as both the return address and the receiving address so not really worth posting.

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