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Lauren Goodgerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Lauren Goodger (TOWIE) email success - 2013年6月10日
Last Friday, the 7th of June, I emailed Max Clifford Associates requesting a signed photo of Lauren Goodger. Today, Monday the 10th of June, I received an 8x10 glossy signed photo of her. You can tell this is pre-signed but I still really love it and cant believe how quick that was! Pic and envelope: - Close up of pic: -

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Lauren Goodger Success - 2013年4月5日
sent - 29th march received - 5th april very happy with this success, very fast address used - max clifford associates. PICTURE -

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Lauren Goodger (The Only Way Is Essex) - SUCCESS! - 2012年9月15日
Really happy with this, as I forgot Id requested this!! and not only that, but I tweeted Lauren thankyou after I opened it, and she retweeted too! <img src= Sent: email to Max Clifford Associates When: sometime in August (cant be sure of exact date, but it definitely was August) Recieved: a personalised and signed photo of Lauren, in an A4 envelope. When: 15th September 2012 I DO NOT HAVE A PICTURE OF THE ENVELOPE, AS THE STUPID IDIOTS WHO WORK AT ROYAL MAIL DECIDED IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO BEND IT, AND BASICALLY DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT WAS ON THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE. Picture: - So happy with this success! I loved Lauren on TOWIE and its definitely not going to be the same without her! <img src= and woooo!! 4th TOWIE success <img src= - Daniel

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