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Lee Archambaultの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

NASA Astronaut Lee Archambault - 2022年2月4日
Lee Joseph "Bru" Archambault is an American test pilot and former NASA astronaut. Using this address: SNC Space Systems 1722 Boxelder St. Louisville, CO 80027 USA Sent 5-24-21 Recd 2-4-22 Recd large signed card

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Lee Archambault Shuttle Astronaut - 2016年2月20日
Lee Joseph "Bru" Archambault (born August 25, 1960) is an American test pilot and former NASA astronaut. He has logged over 4,250 flight hours in more than 30 different aircraft. Archambault has received numerous awards and honors throughout his life. He has also flown two Space Shuttle missions, as pilot of STS-117 in 2007 and as commander of STS-119 in 2009. Archambault left NASA in 2013 after a 15-year career with the agency in order to become a test pilot for Sierra Nevada Corporation on their Dream Chaser orbital spaceplane project. From November 1990 to April 1991, he deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and flew twenty-two combat missions in the F-117A during the Gulf War. He served a second F-117A tour in Saudi Arabia from August 1991 to December 1991 in support of post-Desert Storm peacekeeping efforts. Sent him 2 photos on 1 July 2015 and got them back signed on 20 Feb 2016. Also include information on his Dream Chaser project and an extra photo..sent in a larger envelope to hold the extra items.. also sent back my smaller return envelope. Mailed my request to Col Lee Archambault 4318 Sweet Cicely Ct. Houston, TX. 77059-3126 The address on his return envelope.. SNC Space Systems 1722 Boxelder St. Louisville, CO 80027

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