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Len Cariouの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Len Cariou Success - 2021年1月21日
Sent LOR, 3 photos, and SASE to Len Cariou at the 190 Diamond Address 12/12/2020, received photos signed today, 1/21/2021. Len Cariou "Blue Bloods - Season 11" Broadway Stages 190 Diamond Street 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11222 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/7scm9.html

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Len Cariou Blue Bloods Success! - 2018年3月26日
Len Cariou plays in Blue Bloods as retired NYPD Police Commissioner Henry Reagan. On 11/15/2017 I mailed a letter explaining how I think he does a great job in Blue Bloods, a Q+A sheet, and an SASE Envelope to: Mr. Len Cariou Blue Bloods Season 8 (Until April 04 2018) c/o Broadway Stages 190 Diamond Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11222 (took about 5 months) On 3/26/2018 I received a personalize message on a picture of him and he took the time to answer some of my questions. Here is the link:

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Len Cariou -- Blue Bloods -- Success!! - 2015年2月18日
So tonight when I went to get the mail I was soo happy to see a big envelope with my name on it. I had a inkling who it was from but still I have several celebrities I'm still waiting for but i knew who it was. Len Cariou, from Blue Bloods! I sent him just a letter to the blue bloods address in NY about 1-2 months ago. <img src= I am so happy with my success! I am not including the envelope since there is no return address on it. But I know I used the Blue Bloods address. <img src=

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