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Lenny Henryの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Lenny Henry Success - 2020年10月19日
On the 13th Of August 2020 I sent a LOR,SASE.Photo and Hogwarts Paper. On the 21st of August 2020 I received another pre-signed photo in my SAE with my Other items not included. I really like this photo of Lenny Henry and as I believe its genuine its a nice addition to my Harry Potter autograph collection. Sent: 13/8/2020 Received: 21/8/2020 Address Used: Lenny Henry PBJ Managment 22 Rathbone Street London W1T 1LA I sadly am not able to keep the envelope it comes in. Thank you Lenny Henry and Fanmail.Biz

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Lenny Henry (HP and the POA) surprise SUCCESS x2! - 2013年7月29日
On 4/5/13, I wrote Lenny Henry (voice of the shrunken head in HP and the POA) with a TTM autograph request, sending SSAE, 3x5 for signing, and $2 USD for return postage. After a loooong TTM drought, I received his reply today, 7/29/13. My 3x5 card was signed "To Pat......You have incredible taste...Lenny Henry." He included a self portrait of himself in the classic "hear/speak no evil" pose, and THAT was signed "To Pat....Best Wishes, Lenny Henry." His address can be found in the fanmail.biz database, listed below. Lenny Henry c/o PBJ Management 22 Rathbone Street London W1T 1LA [uUK[/u

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Lenny Henry success! - 2011年12月22日
Sent: 29th August 2011 Recd: 20th December 2011 I sent a LOR & SAE to: PBJ Management 22 Rathbone Street London W1T 1LA and received a personalised signed photo & a letter from his assistant (see links below) http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C14900.jpg http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C14902.jpg

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Lenny Henry (Harry Potter) success! - 2011年12月20日
Hi, I send a LOR a SAE and a photo to Lenny Henry who has the voice of the Shrunken Head in the Knight Buss in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I send it around September 10th 2011 and I got my photo signed and personlised along with a nice letter from his assistant <img src= envelope+letter: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/img0754c.jpg/ photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/513/img0752rj.jpg/ Thanks fanmail and Mr. Henry! Realy Happy to add this funny man in my autograph collection 8)<!-- s8) --></td><tr><td style=

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Lenny Henry Success! - 2011年6月24日
Sent an email to PBJ Management http://www.pbjmgt.co.uk/ and received Lenny Henrys autograph, just a few days after I sent the email. Its real aswell <img src= another one to my collection! - Nat <img src=

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