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Leroy Kellyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Leroy Kelly (Football HOF) Success - 2014年5月16日
On 5/5/14 I sent a 1972 Topps card and $5 to HOF RB Leroy Kelly. Today, on 5/15/14 I received my card signed. Sent to: Mr. Leroy Kelly 91 Clubhouse Dr Willingboro, NJ 08046 -

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Leroy Kelly Amazingly fast success - 2011年5月12日
On May 5th sent a letter and a check for $35 which covered the cost of the items to Leroy Kelly Browns Hall of Fame Running Back and today 5/12 Received the 8x10 and two 5x7 cards one a Hall of Fame Card and the other an action shot. Plus I got an additional card a Donruss classics 2004 card as well. Plus he paid for the postage and returned my envelope. I'm a huge Browns fan so this is my favorite autograph so far. My scanner is down right now will post pictures when fixed.

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Leroy Kelly - Football HOF - success - 2011年5月4日
Received a signed Browns throwback mini helmet from Leroy Kelly today and he added a signed Donruss card as well. Thanks Leroy! He charges $30 for mini helmets, $15 for 8x10s, and $ 10 for cards if you purchase those items through him. Used his home address: 115 Eastbrook Lane Willingboro, NJ 08046 Sent 4/27/11 Received 5/4/11 - -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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