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Lesley Sharpの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Lesley Sharp Success - 2014年7月28日
Just received these back from Lesley Sharp , it took 10 days via the address in the database at ARG

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Lesley Sharp Nice Success! - 2014年6月29日
What Did I Send?: 1 Photo, SASE, LOR What Address Did I Send To?: ARG (Address in Database) When Did I Send?: 26th May 2014 What Did I Receive Back?: My photo signed in my SASE. When Did I Receive It?: Today , 29th June 2014 Photo:

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Lesley Sharp Success - 2014年1月15日
Today (straight after receiving yesterday) i got back sadly only one of my pictures back, tbf it was the better one of the pack, no letter or personalized but i am happy nevertheless Plus it only took 16 days which i think is really brilliant since i have Surannes too <img src= I used the address in the database: Lesley Sharp ARG 4A Exmoor Street London W10 6BD UK Envelope: (No scan of envelope available i have tried multiple times but just will not work at all) Picture: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Thank you fanmail.biz!! <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Lesley Sharp aka Scott n Bailey Success - 2013年10月17日
Sent a LOR SAE & PHOTO to Lesley (address used on database) 25/09/13 Recieved Phot back signed 17/10/13 - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Happy <img src= Just waiting on Surrane and Ameila

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Lesley Sharp (Full Monty) - 2013年8月10日
She played Jean in Full Monty movie. Sent: 23.4.2013: letter, photo and SASE Received: 9.8.2013: my photo back signed in my SASE Address: Lesley Sharp ARG 4A Exmoor Street London W10 6BD UK Photo: -

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