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Lincoln Kennedyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

NFL Lincoln Kennedy Success - 2021年10月23日
Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Lincoln Kennedy 2027 E Minton St Mesa, AZ 85213 Sent: 10/9/21 Received: 10/22/21 http://surfmypictures.com/image/b4612634cb8469c1/j6oop.html

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Lincoln Kennedy (fmr Ravens Guard) success - 2020年7月13日
Sent him a TC on 7-2-2020 & got it back signed today, 7-13-2020. Here's the addy I used: 2027 E Minton ST MESA, AZ 85213

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Lincoln Kennedy American Football - 2017年7月27日
Tamerlane Lincoln Kennedy, Jr. (born February 12, 1971) is a former American college and professional football player who was an offensive tackle in the National Football League (NFL) for eleven seasons. He played college football for the University of Washington, and was recognized as an All-American. A first-round draft pick in the 1993 NFL Draft, he played professionally for the Atlanta Falcons and Oakland Raiders of the NFL. He is currently a broadcaster for Fox Sports and Premiere Radio Networks. Atlanta Falcons (1993–1995) Oakland Raiders (1996–2003) Tampa Bay Storm (2007, 2010) 3× Pro Bowl (2000–2002) 2× All-Pro (2001, 2002) College Football Hall of Fame (2015) Sent him to photos as a Raider on 15 Jul and got both back signed on 27 Jul with Go Raiders on them. Mr Lincoln Kennedy 2027 E. Minton St. Mesa, AZ 85213

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