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Lindsey Shawの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Lindsey Shaw from Pretty Little Liars !!!! - 2015年10月14日
I sent LOR & SASE & photo 05 april 2015 Recived 13 Oct. 2015 (in my envelope and autograph on my photo) Address which I used: Lindsey Shaw "Pretty Little Liars" ABC Family 500 South Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521-6078 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/b8e9d44 ... 4u0ja.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/b8e9d44 ... cm950.html

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Lindsey Shaw - 2013年4月2日
Sent: 15th January 2012 Two pictures, Letter and SAE Received: 2nd April 2013 The two pictures signed and small letter Addres Used: Lindsey Shaw Cutler Management 165 Little Park Lane Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA Pictures: - Letter: - - Envelope: -

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Lindsey Shaw Success!(: - 2013年3月24日
- Yesterday in the mail i received Lindsey Shaw(: Took exactly 15 months to received back. I was a huge fan of hers from Ned Declassified, 10 Things I Hate About You and her recent role on pretty little liars as Paige!(: Glad to hear back from her. Sent: LOR, Q&A Sheet, and SASE on January 20, 2012 to Lindsey Shaw Cutler Management 165 Little Park Lane Los Angeles, CA 90049 Received: Autograph Photo in my SASE along with my Q&A sheet and she fill in a spot where she apologize for taking so long for her to respond to her fan mail. she so super nice(:

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Lindsey Shaw Success - 2013年3月13日
Sent: 06 July 2012 Received: 06 March 2013, 2 autographed (8x10) Address: Lindsey Shaw Cutler Management 165 Little Park Lane Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA - Arkowa1

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Lindsey Shaw amazing success! - 2011年12月23日
Wow merry christmas to me! I got this in the mail yesterday from Lindsey Shaw (Neds declassified and Pretty Little liars) She is great with TTM. She not only filled out my index cards and Q&As but also wrote me a very thought out card and an 8x10. It is stars like these that make me really happy, because they take the time to write to their fans (while yes she isnt THAT famous..actually famous isnt a good word at all) anyway I am a big fan of her so I am extremely happy that she took the time to write back to me. Lindsey Shaw Cutler Management 165 Little Park Lane Los Angeles, CA 90049 -

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