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Lindy Boothの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Lindy Booth Success! The Librarians, Dawn of the Dead 📺🎬 - 2024年8月8日
Lindy Booth, known for her roles in "The Librarians," "Dawn of the Dead" (2004), and "Kick-Ass 2," responded to my fan mail! She signed two index cards. Address Used: Lindy Booth The Characters Talent Agency 95 Berkeley Street Toronto, ON M5A 2W8 Canada You can see her response here: [youtubeU4PA7dm6jjc[/youtube

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Lindy Booth Success - 2019年8月30日
I sent LOR, SAE, IRC and two photos. I sent it on 25th of February 2019 Received: 27th of August 2019 Address: Lindy Booth The Characters Talent Agency 8 Elm Street Toronto, ON M5G-1G7 Canada Mrs Lindy signed my two photos and write a dedication on one photo. She also wrote a nice note for me http://surfmypictures.com/image/de1439e4d4875f04/l1k6j.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/de1439e4d4875f04/zotnm.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/de1439e4d4875f04/eb2lc.html Thank you so much!

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Lindy Booth success - 2016年6月26日
Send a LOR, SAE and IRC to the address in database and received back a dedicated and signed great photo on 24.06.2016 http://surfmypictures.com/image/00198d3a445924fe/thm05.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/00198d3a445924fe/thm05/small_lindybooth_auth.jpg Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Further success to all collectors

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Lindy Booth success - 2015年4月14日
i wrote a letter to Lindy Booth back in early March, and received a reply today 4/14/15. <img src= I honestly was not expecting to hear back from her at all, as im still quite new to TTM collecting and didnt know at the time to send a sase (I know better now). I just love the photo she sent, shes so pretty. She's really great as Cassandra in The Librarians. i sent to the Canadian address in the database, but im guessing it was sent to me from within the US since the stamps are American

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Lindy Booth ...Success - 2015年3月24日
I sent Lindy Booth a letter, sase and 2 photos and my "Cry-Wolf" DVD cover to the characters address in Canada and today I got back all 3 items signed by Lindy and she put American stamps over the Canadian stamp which tells me she sent it back from America. I only sent my request about 2 weeks ago so it was really fast which makes me think shes probably having her Canadian mail forwarded directly to a new address in the U.S. Possibly even her home address. The autographs are 100% authentic since I have her autograph from 5 or 6 years ago and its identical. <img src= She has a very distinct autograph. I am glad to have my DVD cover back too. <img src= The 2 below are the ones I got back years ago...... http://imageshack.com/i/j5lindybooth050j http://imageshack.com/i/j3lindybooth045j

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