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Lizabeth Scottの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Lizabeth Scott Success (3+1) - 2011年10月25日
Hi everybody! After a long summer break I decided to give myself a little more new joy by asking ms. Lizabeth Scott for some autographs. On Oct. 11th, 2011 I sent to the address on the database a letter, a SAE, three photos and a white sheet. On Oct. 25th, 2011 I received all my three photos and the white shett back all signed and dedicated with a "Best!". Thanks Ms. Scott, so fast (just 14 days from Italy to Us and back to Italy!) and kind! And thanks to Fanmail of course!

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Lizabeth Scott success - 2011年9月27日
Sent: letter, 2 photographs, self addressed envelope, 2 international reply coupons on the 29th of April 2011. Received: both photographs signed on 27th September 2011. address used: Lizabeth Scott 8277 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90069-1611 USA -

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Lizabeth Scott Success!!! - 2011年7月9日
Very happy about this one, I sent a LOR Photo and SASE to Lizabeth Scott using the address in the database. on 6/16/2011 and Rec 7/9/2011 she even signed an index card for me too. <img src= - - -

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