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Lonnie Smithの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Lonnie Smith (Atlanta Braves) Success - 2012年1月26日
On 1-18-12, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to former big leager, Lonnie Smith, at : Lonnie Smith 145 Wesley Forest Drive Fayetteville, GA 30217 On 1-25-12, I received my baseball card back autographed.

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Lonnie Smith Success - 2011年11月17日
Sent LOR, SASE, 1983 Donruss All-Star card to: Lonnie Smith 145 Wesley Forest Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30217 Sent 10/24 received 11/10/2011 -

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Lonnie Smith Success!! (former MLB outfielder) - 2011年9月24日
Sent on 9/10/11 Received 9/24/11 Sent LOR SASE, CARD Card came back signed great success <img src= address used was Lonnie Smith 145 Wesley Forest Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30214 USA PICTURE IS HERE http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/830/imag0427h.jpg/

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Lonnie Smith Success - 2011年9月18日
On approximately September 6, 2011, I mailed former Atlanta Braves Outfielder Lonnie Smith a LOR, SASE, and 1992 Topps Stadium Club Card to Georgia Address listed in the database. On 9-17-2011, I received my signed card. Because this card features his famous plate collision with Brian Harper of the Twins in the 1991 World Series, it makes this one that much nicer.

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Lonnie Smith (Cardinals) Success - 2011年8月30日
Sent LOR, SASE, 1984 Donruss Champion card to: Lonnie Smith 145 Wesley Forest Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30217 Sent 8/18 received 8/29/2011 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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