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Lucille Blissの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Lucille Bliss...Anastasia and Smurfette voice actress - 2011年11月13日
I sent these hand drawn trading cards in April to the skilled care facilityoLucille.Bliss is currently.residing. I got them back today signed. She is the voice of Smurfette...and Anastasia from Cinderella and Rozatta from the StarWars franchise. Envelope http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/7199 ... 321145.jpg - -

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Lucille Bliss [Succeed] - 2011年9月1日
I wrote a letter as a compliment to give praise for her voice-over work, (Especially for being the original voice of Smurfette in "The Smurfs") as well as sent a picture for her to sign her name in, and send it back to me. Sent to Lucille Bliss: 10/8/2011 Received: 31/8/2011 Address: Lucille Bliss Mesa Verde Residential Care Center 673 Center Street Apt 4A Costa Mesa, CA 92627-2708 USA And its been nearly over 20 days of waiting, as I got the picture back (with SASE and an international stamp) with her name signed. (And nothing else, but thats how I was sacrificed for it) - - - So now I kept the picture (with Lucilles signature) save in The Smurfette Collection DVD, as you can see in one of the pics I took. (Released for Australia and NZ by Magna Home Entertainment) Daniel Coffey

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Lucille Bliss success - 2011年6月18日
Mailed to Lucille Bliss (voice of Smurfette & more) June 6, 2011 at 673 Center Street #4a / Costa Mesa CA 92627. Included IC & SASE. Rcv'd June 18, 2011 in my SASE (SASE had 15 JUN Santa Ana CA postmark) my signed index card.

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