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Macklemoreの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Macklemore RTS - 2019年7月26日
I sent an item to Macklemore at PO Box 19784 Seattle, WA 98109 and it was returned as undeliverable as addressed. Unable to forward. I don't have specific dates but it was returned to me a week to week and a half after I sent it. I can't get the picture to upload

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Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Success - 2016年11月14日
Hey everyone! Long time no talk! I received a success today that I felt like I should post about! I recieved a signed autographed photo from Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. This was a very long success, but i am happy with it! I sent a SASE, a Photo and a letter Sent: 09/24/15 Received: 11/14/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/54c535b ... boxzi.html I sent to: Macklemore LLC PO Box 19784 Seattle, WA 98109 USA Thank you! -John Madigan

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Macklemore Failure - 2015年7月12日
May 15, 2015- Sent 4x6, LOR, SASE July 11, 2015- Received 4x6 Unsigned, Sticker, & Letter from Assistant saying he's too busy Check out all my autographs at [uAddress Used[/u Macklemore PO Box 19784 Seattle, WA 98109

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Macklemore Success - 2014年2月19日
Sent to the address in the database over a month ago: MMLLC PO Box 19784 Seattle, WA 98109 Received the photo I sent back in my SASE; personalized and signed. I sent a 4x6 photo. Since feedback on Macklemore is limited, perhaps my advice would be to send something small because perhaps most of the bigger packages get thrown out. I'm unsure. Photo: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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