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Marco Reusの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Marco Reus success!! - 2014年12月1日
Last July I sent a LOR and a SAE with an IRC to Marco Reus management in Germay. Today finally I got a signed BvB card! <img src= Picture: https://www.facebook.com/autostocri/pho ... =1&theater -

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Nuri Sahin & Marco Reus from Borussia Dortmund "Success" - 2014年11月11日
Sent: LOR and SASE 1 week ago Recieved: 2 club cards of Nuri Sahin and Marco Reus, 11 nov 2014 in my SASE. Bit disappointed since sending a way a SASE and getting 2 Pre-printed autographs (it looks like pre printed or stamped) Nuri Sahin: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =196347165 Marco Reus: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =196347164 My website: www.fenerkanaria.webs.com

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Marco Reus Success!!! - 2014年2月5日
Today I get something back from Marco Reus I sent on 06.01.2014 LOR and SASE to SportsTotal GmbH c/o Marco Reus Von-Hünefeld-Straße 1a 50829 Köln Germany And received today a signed card Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater Some Information about him: Marco Reus is a German professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder or winger for the German Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund and the Germany national football team. Reus is known for his versatility, speed and technique.

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Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund) success - 2013年11月20日
Sent email 2 weeks ago, Received a signed card by Marco and a poster too, Sent email request to German Fußball Bund http://www.bvb.de/Impressum Pic: -

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Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund) success - 2013年2月19日
Hello! Marco is German football player who plays in Borussia Dortmund and German NT. I sent to him LOR and SAE. date of sent: 27.12.2012 date of received: 19.02.2013 I get two signed card <img src= Address: SportsTotal GmbH Von Hünefeld Straße 1A 50829 Köln Germany [germany<!-- s[germany --> 

Photo: <!-- m --><a class=http://autografy-tyski.blogspot.com/201 ... -reus.html This address is only to got signed card, he doesnt sign any photos.

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